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I attended a class entitled Change, Transition, and Transformation. It was taught by two seasoned Coach Trainers each of whom had a background in pastoral ministry. I can’t explain what happened to me those two days. I was transformed. I began to look at every one I knew differently. I began to lead from a posture of inquiry. I began to trust. I became aware that God was speaking to others about their lives. When I acknowledged that simple truth, I honored Him and demonstrated my trust in Him.

I also began to think differently about thinking. One day while sitting in class I wondered when, along life’s journey, I had stopped thinking. John Maxwell in his book Think for a Change taught us that the average person thinks less than two minutes a day. When did I become average? Having a Coach mandated I think again, Coach Training took that to a whole new level.

My ministry to my congregation changed, how I write messages, how I teach, how I train, and the greatest was replacing “Pastoral Counseling” with Coaching. I was free from the pressure to fix or have the answer. I could go on…

Even if you never plan to be a Ministry or Life Coach, I personally recommend you train with Coaches, You might be a better Pastor.