by dukematlock | Jun 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
When I think momentum, I think about my car going down a highway. How much energy does my engine exert to reach 70 miles an hour? Now consider how much less energy it takes to stay at that speed. That’s momentum. We can see this in the amount of fuel that our engine...
by dukematlock | Jun 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
I spoke twice this morning and I am exhausted. My wife has a baby shower this afternoon and I have been banished to Denny’s. Sounds like the perfect time to write. I like Starbucks but Denny’s was closer and we have another event tonight. It’s Christmas and the...
by dukematlock | Jun 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
1. Welcome Home! 2. Of course I’ll fill your gas tank! 3. Here, let me do your laundry. 4. Look at Guapo(family pet), he misses you. 5. Two words…Gift Cards 6. We just bought snacks. 7. We made your favorite homemade meal, and it is ready. 8. I am proud of...