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Desperation! My mentor always said “desperate people do desperate things”. It is true that our nation’s crime rate moves exactly opposite as the ebb and flow of the economy. It would seem that desperate people do desperate things. Acts of desperation usually come just...


“Facebook” has become a household term in America.  Many of its users are considered to be fanatics, but without a doubt, this social media outlet is an excellent instrument for staying connected with family and friends, sharing daily activities, family news and the...


Bee Yesterday, I took my 4.5 month old American Bulldog puppy “Guapo” for a walk at the Kissimmee Lakefront. It was our first walk and the leash was rather taut most of the time. We had a blast, until my pal was stung by a bee. Guapo began rolling on the ground,...


You are creative! Well, the book of Genesis says that God is creative; so creative that he created everything. It also says that you were created in His image. That makes you creative! We seem to see certain types of talents as more creative than others. My middle...

Implicit Trust

I recently caught myself speaking and wondered who I was. When confronted with a decision I told a member of my leadership team, “You make the call, I trust you implicitly, let me know how it goes and if I can help.” I am a director by temperament; I have always...